
Choosing Life Ministries

"Our mission is to rescue the lives of the preborn and point families to the wonderful gift of grace in Jesus Christ. Our hope is to grow a culture that loves its neighbors, including those still in the womb."
- LaMar Bratton (Founder)

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Hi, I am LaMar.

Over the past year I have felt devastated and convicted by the hostility towards the unborn. Over 750k babies every year are poisoned in or ripped apart from the womb. Learning this crushed me. I know that with my skillset and life experience, along with God’s providence, I could do something about this especially here in San Diego. With this driving passion I built a ministry that will go the distance with mothers to preserve their children’s lives and point them to the same grace that was gifted to me. I have a vision plan of where I’m praying this ministry will go along with ways that I am going to need help. I would love to take some time to share more with you. Please connect with me below!

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